Cooking (preliminary (craft) vocational education)


The profession provides an opportunity to study in  free and paid system of the existing system. It gives a great opportunity to organize the  food,drinks and other culinary products,to aquire a qualification in line with the requirements in hotels, restaurants, trains, ships and public catering and in other places and specialize  in  the labor market.


The main occupations of professional activity are:

Students during their studies in college will take part in educational-practical programs in fully equipped with the latest technology classrooms.

They will study the service of public catering facilities services, (about received, used and residual food resources) reports, culinary: mechanical, 
electrical,heat treatment equipment, food cooking (thermal and mechanical) in accordance with the processing and finished products formation, organization and control works.


What works does a specialist with the qualification "Chef" perform?

• to draw up and submit a demand about necessary food resources,as well as,a report about accepted, used and residual food resourses

• to prepare and operate culinary, mechanical, electrical,thermal and processing equipment

• to prepare and store food and semi-prepared foods in accordance with the prescribed technology

• to select appropriate semi-prepared foods according to dishes

• to select appropriate semi-prepared foods according to dishes

• to carry out food cooking (thermal and mechanical), processing and  heat treatment of foods

• to make the appropriate design of the finished product and deliver to the waiter on time.